The Beginning.. Our Journey, Vision and Theory of Change

LOOM works through two principal program areas, they are


Interlinking Generations of Feminists

LOOM intends to interlink generations of feminist through multi-generational approach to partner organisations where women of different generation are endlessly contributing their efforts in promoting feminist agendas in the women’ movement.

The core idea of this thematic approach is to sustain women’s activism through cross generation; strengthen organisational development and capacities; encouraging new generation of leadership, creating alternative forms of sustainable funds, mobilising with alliances through movement building to assert out rights using local and indigenous knowledge and skills.

Movement Building and Advocacy

LOOM puts movement building at the center of its work as we believe that change is possible through the collective efforts of women through shared vision, and building allies. The core idea of movement building is build constituencies of women, challenge patriarchy, re-imagine change and power transformation, engaging with the internet as a feminist space and re-frame narratives through generating feminist knowledge.



Feminist Knowledge Building

There is a need to open critical spaces for conversations around sexuality, sexual health, gender, movement building, and invest in developing knowledge and publication to fill in the existing knowledge gap.  A repository of diverse women’s narratives around it will guide us to frame our interventions , stories be  acknowledged and shared and make it accessible for  generations and allies to the records of women’s movement and narratives. LOOM intends to record and document diverse narratives  through a multi – generational collaboration and set up a hub at its feminist space called Her Space leading to generating evidences and baseline data.

Gender, Technology and Sexuality

In 2017, LOOM conducted the first research in Nepal on The internet and sexual expression: use of the internet by women’s rights activists, young women activists and gender and sexual rights activists. The research illustrated that internet was accessed for  freedom of expression, right to information, and digital movement building. Yet some bodies were more surveilled and regulated , and online violence was a manifestation of offline discrimination. Access to technology through digital story telling, re imagining the internet as a feminist space, and using the feminist principles of the internet are some key strategies to frame feminist knowledge and engagement.

Thapathali, Kathmandu

015351709 , 015351335

P.O Box: 4648

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